Ahmed Hamdy Abdelaal: Redefining boundaries

Ahmed Hamdy Abdelaal: Redefining boundaries
12.03.2024 | 12:42

Ahmed Hamdy Abdelaal: Redefining boundaries

It always seems impossible until it’s done! This quote by Nelson Madela frames what Ahmed Hamdy Abdelaal, UN Volunteer with UNDP in Egypt, believes in.

Ahmed is visually impaired. As his story unfolds, so does the conundrum of stereotypes! Why do we sketch boundaries for people on what they can achieve?

These are exactly the stereotypical perceptions that Ahmed addresses. In his UN Volunteer assignment, he redefines boundaries.

He is a testament to what persons with disabilities can achieve.

At the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Country Office in Cairo, Ahmed completed a two-year UN Volunteer assignment. At first, he was a Result-based Management Associate and later, a Policy and Partnerships Associate. He used  Braillenote, a screen reading software.

His tasks included monitoring the projects per UNDP policies. Ahmed’s support was instrumental in the new portfolio management system. He contributed to due diligence for partnerships and ensured UNDP guidelines for the signing of Memorandum of Understanding agreements. He also supported knowledge products for the Human Development Report and the UNDP Country Programme documents.

Ahmed’s analytical skills, responsiveness and willingness to find solutions are impeccable. He added value to the team, everyone noticed his contribution particularly in forging productive relationships with UNDP counterparts. -- Testimonial of Aya.abou-hadid, a colleague of Ahmed’s in UNDP.

Ahmed’s motivation to volunteer in the United Nations system was due to his desire to create positive change. However, he did face challenges in navigating the professional landscape as a person with disability. Some of the challenges were – inaccessibility in the workspace and lack of awareness of colleagues to persons with disabilities.

These challenges weren’t enough to limit Ahmed and his will to survive – so to say. He continued to raise awareness within his peers leading to a more inclusive work environment.

He gained immense experience, he says and now works with Sawiris Foundation, one of Egypt’s largest philanthropic organizations.

Believe in yourself, your capabilities and your aspirations. Turn obstacles into stepping stones to prove yourself. -- Ahmed’s mantra for making the impossible possible.

Ahmed facilitated partnerships between UNDP and the private sector. He supported integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into national strategies and contributed to the youth participation element in the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 27).

This is a story of believing in oneself – of redefining boundaries – a story of resilience!  This is Ahmed’s story!

This article was produced with the kind support of Vibhu Sharma, UN Volunteer Communications Specialist for Disability Inclusion. For more information on volunteering opportunities, please click on how to become a volunteer.