Share your experiences and innovations on volunteering for the SDGs


Governments, civil society organizations, the private sector, UN entities and volunteers are invited to submit information on their work towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The UN’s Decade of Action launches in 2020 in recognition of the fact that the SDGs are off-track - requiring new solutions, resources, and ambition. In order to leave no-one behind, the 2030 Agenda must be owned by people, implemented by people and for people. 

One billion active volunteers worldwide are already making important contributions across all SDGs. In July 2020, governments and their partners will come together at the Global Technical Meeting on Reimagining Volunteerism for the 2030 Agenda to discuss what we know about the transformative potential of volunteering, and to reflect on how to maximize the impact of volunteering under the 2030 Agenda.

To inform these discussions, we are asking stakeholders to share evidence on their good practices, experiences and innovations through the survey below.

Examples could include:

  • New technologies to enable more people to volunteer;
  • Projects that use volunteering to empower marginalized groups;
  • Support for informal volunteers through legal advice or networking;
  • Policies that integrate volunteering into broader development efforts;
  • Legislation to protect volunteers or to uphold their rights;
  • New funding and partnership models that sustain volunteering; and
  • Tools that measure the social and economic value of volunteering.

Submissions can be made in all six UN languages. We will select some of your examples to highlight during the meeting in New York in July 2020. Later in 2020, we intend to publish all qualifying case studies on UNV’s online Volunteering Knowledge Portal. For questions or further information, please contact us at

Please note that the call will close on 30 April 2020.

We are looking for experiences and innovations that are:

SUSTAINABLE environmentally, socially & economically

USEFUL to confront real-life challenges

PARTICIPATORY of all people, everywhere

EFFECTIVE with measured impacts

REPLICABLE to share and scale-up