UN Volunteers promote climate action and gender equality

Meet four UN Volunteers from the East and Southern Africa region who support women impacted by climate change in their local communities. Below they share their perspectives on why gender equality is important and how to effectively mainstream gender issues into environmental policies and programmes.

Rita Chiara Mele, UN Volunteer Energy Specialist, UNDP Comoros

In Small Islands Development States (SIDS) like Comoros, gender and climate change are deeply interconnected. For instance, in the clean cooking sector, women have limited access to modern cooking services and still use traditional biofuels such as firewood, which cause deforestation and increase community vulnerability to climate change. 

UNV Offer of Support to the Ukraine Crisis


How to Deploy UN Volunteers

To start off the recruitment process, UNV only requires a Description of Assignment (DOA – also called  Terms of Reference or TOR) and confirmation of funding.