UN Volunteer conducts education research in Ukraine

Meet Adrien Olszak-Olszewski, a UN Volunteer from Switzerland working as an Education Analyst with the World Bank in Kyiv, Ukraine. His assignment is funded by Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). Serving as a UN Volunteer with the World Bank enables Adrien to have a real impact on improving people's access to social services, infrastructure and jobs in Ukraine. 

Throughout my studies, I became interested in the interplay between social policy and economic growth. Hence, I decided to focus on the provision of quality education and how education systems impact social and economic development, especially in the context of Europe and Central Asia. 

Serving as a UN Volunteer with the World Bank in line with my values: it enables me to have a real impact on improving people's access to social services, infrastructure and good jobs, as well as empowering young people.