Stepanka Pechackova, from Czech Republic, recounts her experience as a UN Youth Volunteer in Mongolia.
29 April 2016
Jasmin Sander, from Germany, recounts her experience as a UN Volunteer in Serbia.
29 April 2016
Magali Zapata, from Belgium, recounts her experience as a UN Volunteer in Morocco.
29 April 2016
Alexandra Lazau-Ratz, International UN Volunteer, Associate Humanitarian Affairs Officer, OCHA Preparedness and Response Unit
03 December 2015
This inspiring event showcases UN Volunteers who share insight into their assignments and the impact they have within communities in the Asia Pacific region.
01 December 2015
In October 2015, the newly formed United Nations Volunteer (UNV) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific held an event in Bangkok inspired by the TEDx Program to provide a platform for UN Volunteers to illustrate concrete examples of the role and recognition of volunteerism as an essential contribution to the regional efforts for peace and development. The UN Volunteers spoke to UNV partners, i.e. representatives of UN Member States, UN agencies and volunteer involving organizations, about their assignments and the impact they were making within communities in the region.
01 December 2015
Mony Pen is National UN Volunteer, Specialist for Improving the Rights of Persons with Disabilities within Disability Rights Initiative Cambodia (DRIC)
01 December 2015
SDG 5: Gender equality
In October 2015, the newly formed United Nations Volunteer (UNV) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific held an event in Bangkok inspired by the TEDx Program to provide a platform for UN Volunteers to illustrate concrete examples of the role and recognition of volunteerism as an essential contribution to the regional efforts for peace and development. The UN Volunteers spoke to UNV partners, i.e. representatives of UN Member States, UN agencies and volunteer involving organizations, about their assignments and the impact they were making within communities in the region.
01 December 2015
During the first UNV Partnerships Forum that took place in Bonn, on September 30th and October 1st 2014, eight UN Volunteers were given the floor to share their experience as UN Volunteer. In this video, Bobbie Baker, International UN Volunteer from Ireland tells his experiences about providing Basic social services in a refugee camp in Sudan.
10 October 2014
SDG 10: Reduced inequalities
During the first UNV Partnerships Forum that took place in Bonn, on September 30th and October 1st 2014, eight UN Volunteers were given the floor to share their experience as UN Volunteer. In this video, Sathaboramana Kheang, National UN Volunteer from Cambodia tells about her commitment volunteering for the LGBT community rights.
10 October 2014