United Nations partners

Every year, the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme collaborates with United Nations partners to engage UN Volunteers in supporting their peace and development operations and programmes. UN Volunteers serve within UN partner entities and frequently represent the United Nations at the grassroots level. Volunteerism is an effective means to actively involve people at the grassroots in advancing peace and sustainable development.

To gain a deeper understanding of our partnerships and access the most recent annual data on UN Volunteers, visit the below dedicated pages for some of our top partner UN entities. These pages offer insights into our collaborative efforts and the contributions and impact of UN Volunteers.

Additionally, the UN Partners Toolkit serves as a valuable resource for UN entities looking to host UN Volunteers. It provides essential information and resources that facilitate the effective engagement and management of UN Volunteers. By utilizing the toolkit, UN entities can expedite the recruitment of dedicated and talented UN Volunteers to support delivery on their mandates and goals.