Ana Lucia Londono, UN Volunteer Associate Programme Officer for Environment and Natural Resource Management with UNDP along with colleagues on a mangrove planting project in Fiji.
Ana Lucia Londono, UN Volunteer Associate Programme Officer for Environment and Natural Resource Management with UNDP along with colleagues on a mangrove planting activity in Fiji.

Advancing Spain's multilateral solutions through volunteering

Ana Lucia Londono is from Spain. She was a fully funded UN Volunteer with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)'s office in Suva, Fiji where she served as an Associate Programme Officer for Environment and Natural Resource Management. Ana Lucia's passion for marine environment and climate change adaptation led her to this volunteer assignment.

Ana Lucia began her assignment with UNDP a little more than a year ago in August 2023. She supported the pipeline development and management of UNDP climate environment programmes such as the Tonga Coastal Resilience Project — centering on the long-term resilience of vulnerable coastal communities.

With the Tongan Government's Department of Climate Change and UNDP, this project aims at building resilience in Tonga's northeastern coastal communities against climate change impacts such as the risk of sea level rise to directly over 3,600 people.

As part of the volunteer assignment, Ana Lucia coordinated and added inputs for finalizing and submitting the project proposal. She participated in the UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on the Blue Economy, after which she published an article, Women's Vital Role toward achieving a Sustainable Ocean Future highlighting the need to break down barriers so women can fully participate in and benefit from the Blue Economy. 

Ana Lucia was also the focal point for UNDP communication with various stakeholders and for multiple Blue Economy Portfolio pipeline projects that are a part of UNDP and Global Environment Facility. The focus of these projects is to fast-track the global action on nature and biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution control.

Ana Lucia is one of the most valued members of the team, and demonstrated her capabilities in programming and processes beyond expectations. She is not only motivated in her work, but her dedication, hard work and sincerity to deliver make her outstanding as a budding professional. Her contributions to the growth of the Resilience and Climate Change portfolio has been exceptional. She is highly dependable and passionate for results and impacts.” Usha Rao, Team Lead, Climate Change and Resilience team, UNDP Pacific.

Volunteering for sustainable development in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and promoting awareness of Sustainable Development Goal 13 — climate change and Goal 14 — life below water was a unique opportunity, shares Ana Lucia. "As a UN Volunteer, I engaged in on-the-ground initiatives and in projects that directly impacted communities in need."

Living in Fiji, Ana Lucia began to understand the ground realities and the challenges faced by SIDS, thereby enhancing her global perspective. The Government of Spain has shown a strong willingness to support the region and has deployed a Spanish UN Volunteer in Samoa, she says.

In these times of multi-faceted crises, Spain’s commitment to multilateral solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals remains univocal. This is why we have been working closely with United Nations Volunteers for more than three decades. In the Pacific Island Countries, we need the energy and knowledge of our youth to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change." Gaël Sánchez Cano with the Embassy of Spain in Fiji. 

Ana Lucia Londono (right) UN Volunteer Associate Programme Officer for Environment and Natural Resource Management with UNDP on a mangrove planting activity in Fiji.  © Ana Lucia Londono, 2024


Ana Lucia developed new skills in project management, communication and leadership — all thanks to her volunteer assignment, she says. Not only so, but she has also assisted in covering operational responsibilities and filling critical staffing gaps — adding to her eagerness to learn in challenging situations. Another UNDP Pacific colleague with the Climate Change and Resilience team, Programme Analyst, Mohseen Dean shares, "Beyond Ana Lucia’s technical skills, her proactive approach to support other colleagues makes her a valued and respected colleague. She set a high standard for excellence and collaboration, and it’s inspiring to see how she consistently goes above and beyond.” 

Born in Colombia, having grown up in Spain, and volunteering in Fiji — Ana Lucia exemplifies what it means to be truly global. Giving her time and effort to meaningful causes and seeing the positive impact that it brings to communities on the ground is what boosts her sense of purpose. As a young person, this is simply the first step to a world full of possibilities. 

After completing a year as a UN Volunteer, Ana Lucia is currently supporting the newly established Policy, Innovation and Strategic Communications Unit in the UNDP Pacific Office on environment-related projects. 

In 2023, Spain fully funded 47 UN Volunteer assignments with 14 UN entities in 36 countries. Please click on UNV's Full Funding Programme and the Special Voluntary Fund for more information.


This story was prepared with the kind support of Selasi Botchway, Partnerships intern at UNV.