Kasunjith Satanarachchi: We all have endless abilities

Kasunjith Satanarachchi: We all have endless abilities
17.04.2024 | 10:33

Kasunjith Satanarachchi: We all have endless abilities

Kasunjith Satanarachchi served as a UN Youth Volunteer with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the Sri Lanka Country Office from 2018 to 2022. He was responsible for mapping the disability sector, the Comprehensive Youth Development Programme, and the accessibility of the UN Compound in Colombo. He also worked closely with his colleagues on the Governance and Peacebuilding portfolio of UNDP.

He has cerebral palsy and says it has been a long journey for him to get to the point where he started volunteering with an international organization such as the United Nations. 

"A majority of persons with disabilities in Sri Lanka generally choose to not pursue their education," shares Kasunjith. However, he wanted to defy all odds and prove everyone wrong.

He encountered bullying and insensitive comments from his teachers.

He recalls that his school in Sri Lanka was not only unequipped to accommodate him with his disability, but also unwilling and unempathetic of Kasunjith.

His parents then took him to another school where the administration was more welcoming and had the physical infrastructure needed for Kasunjith to settle in comfortably. He passed his school exams and went on to study law. After three years of hard work, he obtained a law degree from a private university.

Impacted by negative experiences, Kasunjith was apprehensive to apply to the UNV and UNDP talent programme for young professionals with disabilities. The programme aimed at enhancing the employability and career prospects of young professionals with disabilities by providing them an opportunity to gain work experience within the UN.

“From my younger days, I had three dreams. One of them was to have the opportunity to work as a part of the UN System.” This prompted Kasunjith to apply. He adds, “Through the Youth Leads programme, I have now been able to achieve my dream.”

Kasunjith‘s colleagues describe him as a passionate individual who does not give up.

He was one of the persons with disabilities to attend the 2019 Economic and Social Council Youth Forum in New York. He fondly recalls his experience, “Attending the Forum gave me a platform to bring to light the importance of inclusion and accessibility in attaining the Sustainable Development Goals. I have always advocated to let the lives of persons with disabilities, like me, be a reflection of the endless abilities each one of us has.”

Since ending his assignment, Kasunjith joined UNDP in Sri Lanka as a Disability Inclusion Analyst. He offers valuable advice on making the physical infrastructure accessible for persons with disabilities. Furthermore, Kasunjith helps develop a youth programme to empower other persons with disabilities.

This article was produced with the kind support of Vibhu Sharma, UN Volunteer Communications Specialist for Disability Inclusion. For more information on volunteering opportunities, please click on how to become a volunteer.