Lana El-Skafi: Questioning stereotypes and prejudices around disability

Lana El-Skafi: Questioning stereotypes and prejudices around disability
06.05.2024 | 09:23

Lana El-Skafi: Questioning stereotypes and prejudices around disability

“Make the impossible possible!” Lana El-Skafi was told by her mother. Lana has embodied the precious lesson. In her UN Volunteer assignment, she advocates for inclusive policies and raises awareness on disability inclusion. Lana believes that everyone deserves equal opportunities and the chance to thrive. She tells us her story.

Lana is from Lebanon. She recounts that as she grew older, there was something different. She struggled to sit properly, let alone walk or run like other children her age.

Concerned, her parents sought answers from countless pediatricians, hoping to unlock the mystery, but were blamed for their daughter’s condition by being over-indulgent. 

Professionally a cardiologist, Lana’s father couldn’t accept this. He knew there was more to her challenges than the indulgence. 

Hope and anxiety enveloped them when they visited the neurologist Lana’s father had approached. As the neurologist  attentively heard Lana’s history, he advised to take her for an MRI of the brain. Anxious, afraid, but resilient, Lana’s father quickly made arrangements and took her for a scan. The diagnosis confirmed that she had cerebral palsy. An explanation for her difficulties in moving and functioning like other children. 

Lana’s parents immediately engaged her in treatments, therapies, and support groups so she could overcome her challenges. 

As the past is often woven into the fabric of the present, Lana’s experiences kindled a fire within her to make a difference in the lives of others. 

To further this dream, she applied for a became a UN Volunteer. 

She is a Research Assistant with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA), where she conducts desk research, reviews existing literature, and contributes to various written outputs. Occasionally, Lana faces physical barriers in accessing her workspace. However, the right support and positive attitude help her overcome challenges and excel in her role.

Lana participated in the Arab Forum for Sustainable Development, where she engaged with the school students and enlightened them about disabilities by sharing her personal experiences. Her engagement made students curious and eager to learn more about disabilities. 

Her story encourages us to question stereotypes and prejudices surrounding disability. 

This article was produced with the kind support of Vibhu Sharma, UN Volunteer Communications Specialist for Disability Inclusion. For more information on volunteering opportunities, please click on how to become a volunteer.