Nirvana Callejas Gutierrez

Nirvana Callejas: a visionary communicator breaking sound barriers
03.12.2023 | 12:00

Nirvana Callejas: a visionary communicator breaking sound barriers

"In life, nothing is impossible to achieve when you have enthusiasm, optimism, confidence and commitment." --Debasish Mridha, philosopher and poet.

This is a belief that Nirvana Callejas, volunteering with UN Women, manifests. In the vibrant landscapes of Bolivia, where the Andes meet the Amazon, this UN Volunteer Communication Specialist transcends the boundaries of a world often defined by sound.

Nirvana uses two digital hearing aids and relies on lip-reading to manage her severe to profound bilateral hearing loss. She meticulously navigates a rich tapestry of challenges and triumphs, weaving a narrative that defies expectations.

She takes inspiration from Helen Keller and resonates with her belief that disability is not a limitation but a gateway to boundless potential.

Nirvana's motivation to volunteer with the UN is fueled by her desire to grow both professionally and personally, transcending societal expectations surrounding disability. Through her assignment, she seeks to exemplify the potential for inclusion across all areas.

Crafting Communication for Change

In her role as a Communication Specialist, Nirvana takes on a diverse set of responsibilities. She creates communication products, edits videos, supports campaigns and capturing moments through photography for documentation purposes.

Her impact extends far beyond the realm of routine tasks. Nirvana’s work contributes to heightened awareness and understanding, particularly of the needs and challenges faced by individuals with hearing disabilities. It serves as a catalyst for promoting gender equality, showcasing the capabilities of women with disabilities, and fostering a more inclusive and empathetic community.

Navigating the Soundscape

Nirvana's journey is not without its challenges. The nuances of her hearing impairment present hurdles in phone calls, WhatsApp audios, and office environments filled with varied audios.

Undeterred, she employs a variety of strategies, from explaining her condition to seeking quieter spaces for interaction. Instant translation applications and clear communication with colleagues have proven invaluable in overcoming these obstacles.

Throughout her assignment, Nirvana finds advocates for inclusion among her colleagues in the communications area. Their respect, trust and support form the backbone of a highly effective team.

UN Women is privileged to have professionals of the highest calibre like Nirvana, who takes on every challenge as a learning experience and a new opportunity to continue evolving. UN Volunteers with disabilities are real proof that there are no limits when you are a human rights defender.
-- Teófila Guarachi, Advocacy and Communication Specialist, and Nirvana’s supervisor.

Impactful Campaigns and Collaborative Work

Nirvana cherishes her involvement in campaigns on significant days like the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls and International Women's Day. The connection between her work and the essential activities involving women with disabilities forms a core part of her most memorable experiences. Beyond campaigns, the camaraderie and acceptance of her colleagues remain etched in her heart.

Nirvana’s experience in her assignment has been transformative for her. Personally, it has nurtured qualities of empathy, compassion and solidarity. Professionally, it has provided her with a platform to apply and enhance her skills in real-world scenarios, contributing to her growth in communication and teamwork.

Maintain a positive mindset, learn continuously, demonstrate commitment and create awareness about disability and your needs. From the beginning, establishing open communication with colleagues to foster an inclusive environment is pivotal.
-- Nirvana's advice to fellow individuals with disabilities resonates with her journey

This article was produced with the kind support of Vibhu Sharma, UN Volunteer Communications Specialist - Disability Inclusion. Find out more on how to become a UN Volunteer or engage a UN Volunteer.