Olga Altman: A relentless advocate for change

Olga Altman
18.04.2024 | 22:24

Olga Altman: I will not let obstacles define me

Olga Altman shows resilience, determination, and the unwavering spirit to champion inclusivity and diversity. She served as a UN Volunteer Technical Officer in Inclusion, Innovation, and the 2030 Agenda with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the Dominican Republic from 2019 to 2022.

Olga's journey is one marked by profound dedication and a fervent commitment to promoting human rights. She collaborated on various projects aimed at fostering inclusion and diversity, with a particular focus on promoting the rights of persons with disabilities. 

One notable endeavor was her involvement in an interagency project led by UNDP, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/World Health Organization (WHO), dedicated to enhancing the inclusion of persons with disabilities in education and employment and empowering their participation in society.

Olga's passion for her work stems from her belief in the inherent value of every individual, regardless of their abilities. Having acquired a physical-motor disability at the age of 13 due to muscular dystrophy, Olga has faced numerous barriers throughout her life. Yet, she refuses to let these obstacles define her, viewing disability not as a personal limitation but as a societal construct imposed by barriers to inclusion and accessibility.

In the Dominican Republic, where over a million people live with disabilities, Olga has been a relentless advocate for change. She understands the intersectionality of disability and poverty, recognizing that lack of access to decent work perpetuates cycles of marginalization and inequality. With an unwavering commitment to the principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Olga believes that true progress can only be achieved when the rights and needs of persons with disabilities are fully integrated into development efforts.

Olga's education in psychology and her advocacy work laid the foundation for her role as a UN Volunteer. Through the UNDP-UNV Talent Programme for Young Professionals with Disabilities, Olga found a platform to amplify her voice.

Today, Olga continues her invaluable work with an interagency initiative focused on building national capacities for social inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Dominican Republic. Her dedication to breaking down barriers, raising awareness, and fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity serves as an inspiration to all. As the United Nations embarks on its Disability Inclusion Strategy (UNDIS), Olga's story stands as a testament to the power of inclusion and the extraordinary talents that individuals like her bring to the table. 

With her unwavering determination, Olga Altman is paving the way for a more just, equitable, and inclusive society, where no one is left behind.

This article was produced with the kind support of Vibhu Sharma, UN Volunteer Communications Specialist for Disability Inclusion. For more information on volunteering opportunities, please click on how to become a volunteer.