Japan commemorates its UNTAC dead

Representatives of the Japanese Embassy, the UN, the Cambodian Foreign Ministry and the National Police held a memorial ceremony for the Japanese fatalities of the UNTAC mission in Cambodia (1992-1993).

On 8 April 1993, 25 years ago, Atsuhito Nakata (Atsu), a Japanese UN Volunteer working as a District Electoral Supervisor with the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC), was killed in a tragic ambush along with his Khmer interpreter, Lek Sophiep, in the province of Kampong Thom. He was 25 years old.

Atsu was one of 465 UN Volunteers District Electoral Supervisors deployed in Cambodia with UNTAC in 1992. Alongside 50,000 Cambodian nationals, they were at the forefront of the first national elections organized in the country. They worked and lived with local communities, helped organize electoral processes at community level, and carried out massive campaigns to inform the Cambodian population about elections and democratic principles.