Christian Diestra: A feeling of belonging

Christian Diestra: A feeling of belonging
11.03.2024 | 14:57

Christian Diestra: A feeling of belonging

Christian Diestra is from Peru and is passionate about creating positive change in society. He wants to take on projects that make a difference. This is his story.

Christian recounts that while trying to find jobs, he encountered barriers relating to attitudes and accessibility in working spaces. He has Tropical Spastic Paraparesis that causes weakness in the lower limbs and a loss of strength.

He came across an opportunity at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Peru. He applied for the role of Project Assistant to support UNHCR in a variety of administrative tasks. Identifying budget availability for project activities to creating and monitoring agreements with partners for various projects aimed at helping wider society at large – Christian found what he was looking for!

UNHCR’s programmes focus on refugees, migrants and asylum seekers, and by directly supporting the mandate, Christian felt empowered that his volunteering supported Sustainable Development Goal 16 – promoting peaceful and inclusive societies.

Refugees’ rights are crucial for coming up with effective and inclusive solutions for the people we serve. -- Christian on serving with UNHCR.

As the first volunteer with a disability at UNHCR Peru, Christian found his colleagues to be more than willing to find solutions for him. The entrance at work was redesigned by adding ramps and railings.

His workspace was on the ground floor so he did not need to climb stairs. Often, virtual meetings were carried on for Christian to effectively participate.

Christian’s favourite quote – ‘Should one break their ears first, so they learn to hear with their eyes?’ centers on the belief that we do not empathize simply by seeing situations, but through hearing a call for help – a call for help that those around him at the UNHCR Peru answered.

Laura Mora, Christian’s supervisor, and Federico Agusti, the former representative of UNHCR Peru were true disability champions – leading the way for accessibility and the promotion of inclusion, says Christian.

Christian is a committed, responsible professional that has made our team more efficient and more united. He has permanent motivation to improve and learn and has gained technical expertise on key programme tasks. -- Laura Mora, Associate Programme Officer and Christian’s Supervisor.

One aspect of his assignment at UNHCR which stands out as particularly memorable and noteworthy is the opportunity to talk to partners of the social projects. Unlike in previous workplaces, Christian is able to attend project implementing meetings in person, meet project stakeholders, have conversations on social action – all this elevates his self-confidence.

In addition to this, Christian’s time in the UN system gives him hope to find workplaces where his disability is not an obstacle to actively participating in social project monitoring.

Currently serving as UN Volunteer at UNHCR Peru, Christian offers words of encouragement to other individuals with disabilities who aspire to volunteer for the United Nations system, “Don’t have any fear about being yourself in the UN system. They can implement necessary accommodations to allow for appropriate professional development without feeling out of place.”

Christian has found an environment where his disability does not hinder his work, his achievements are celebrated and he is an invaluable member of the team!

This article was produced with the kind support of Online Volunteer Abbey Gibson. Find out more on how to volunteer online or engage Online Volunteers.