Andi Selvi Fandysia: Spreading positivity

Andi Selvi Fandysia: Spreading positivity
04.05.2024 | 09:53

Andi Selvi Fandysia: Spreading positivity

Andi Selvi Fandysia is an Online Volunteer with the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office (UNRCO) in Indonesia. She supports social media engagement and assists potential volunteers with the information they need when considering whether to volunteer with the United Nations. This is her story.

I wanted to be an advocate for people with disabilities and that’s the primary reason why I became an Online Volunteer. 

I have a disability myself and I want to give positive energy and inspiration to persons with disabilities.

During the day, I work as a teacher. After my day job, I create video content. My main responsibility as an Online Volunteer is to share UN Volunteer posts across various social media platforms. 

I am fortunate to have friends and colleagues who support me if I need assistance. 

I take pride in being part of the United Nations system and being a volunteer through United Nations Volunteers. 

Always be yourself – this is what I tell other persons with disabilities. Remember that every challenge is a test, and with faith and perseverance, you can achieve anything – in the form of a beautiful reward. It's this belief that keeps me motivated to go on, no matter the obstacles.

This article was produced with the kind support of Vibhu Sharma, UN Volunteer Communications Specialist for Disability Inclusion. For more information on volunteering opportunities, please click on how to become a volunteer.