Moses Chubili: Siezing opportunities and moving forward

Moses Chubili: Siezing opportunities and moving forward
10.05.2024 | 09:53

Moses Chubili: Siezing opportunities and moving forward

My name is Moses Chubili. I am a UN Volunteer Coordination and Partnerships Officer with the United Nations Resident Coordinator's Office (UNRCO) in Zambia.

I am deaf and throughout my assignment I've been provided with sign language interpretation services and closed captioning to facilitate effective communication and execution of my duties.

My motivation to volunteer stemmed from a genuine desire to contribute to the advancement of disability inclusion and equality. 

Additionally, the United Nations Volunteers presented an opportunity for me to acquire new skills and experiences while making a positive impact.

In my volunteer assignment, my primary responsibilities revolve around coordination, strategic planning, and reporting on disability mainstreaming across various agencies. I also engage in partnerships and communications initiatives, and facilitate capacity development activities.

I have been involved in several impactful initiatives, including facilitating legal accessibility to justice for persons with albinism and supporting the elaboration of the UN Zambia Disability Inclusion Strategy. These efforts have fostered greater inclusivity and empowerment within the community.

My disability prompted me to advocate for a more accessible workplace, ensuring that deaf individuals like myself can work effectively alongside others. By actively shaping the environment to accommodate my needs, I overcame challenges and promoted inclusion.

Participating in the disability accessibility audit of the UN common premises was a significant experience for me. It was enlightening to collaborate with stakeholders in the disability movement and witness firsthand the UN's commitment to accessibility.

My volunteer experience provided opportunities for learning and development in many areas including courses on diversity, climate change, among others.

Seize the opportunities – that’s my message to others who want to enter the UN system. 

The artist, Neil Marcus once said and something I have valued, "Disability is not a brave struggle or courage in the face of adversity. Disability is an art. It's an ingenious way to live." 

This article was produced with the kind support of Vibhu Sharma, UN Volunteer Communications Specialist for Disability Inclusion. For more information on volunteering opportunities, please click on how to become a volunteer.