In 2017, Sida and UNV signed the first agreement to supporting full funding of UN Youth Volunteer assignments for Swedish Volunteers. During 2023, 71 Swedish nationals served as UN Volunteers. The Government of Sweden fully funded 48 volunteer assignments in total
In 2023, 19 Czech nationals served as UN Volunteers, 14 of whom were funded by the Government of Czechia. The Government also provides a contribution to UNV’s Special Voluntary Fund (SVF), a flexible resource to implement UNV’s Strategic Framework.  
During 2023, 50 Finnish nationals served as UN Volunteers, 40 of whom were funded by the Government of Finland.
France directly supports UNV activities and in 2019 presented its National Situational Analysis on Volunteering, a source for generating evidence and data on volunteerism.
Europe and Central Asia
SDG 10: Reduced inequalities, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
As part of the next State of the World’s Volunteerism Report, UNV commissioned a study based on original multi-country quantitative data to understand patterns of volunteer participation during the global COVID-19 pandemic, volunteer motivations and experiences, and what these might mean for people’s voluntary participation in the remainder of the Decade of Action.
Success stories
During 2023, 36 Irish nationals served as UN Volunteers, 24 of whom were funded by the Government of Ireland. The Government also provides a contribution to UNV’s Special Voluntary Fund (SVF), a flexible resource to implement UNV’s Strategic Framework.
Europe and Central Asia