Damba Mana N’djoh Nikabou: A spirit of solidarity

Damba Mana N’djoh Nikabou: A spirit of solidarity
06.05.2024 | 09:39

Damba Mana N’djoh Nikabou: A spirit of solidarity

Damba Mana N’djoh Nikabou is an Associate in Communication and Advocacy for Disability Inclusion at the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office (UNRCO) in Togo. She lives by her motto in life: It is madness not to be what one is with as much fullness as possible.

Damba recalls feelings of being professionally misunderstood or unwanted. These experiences not only discouraged her but left her feeling frustrated. 

“I always introduce myself, specifying my disability and explaining to my interlocutor how they can help me in a quality dialogue. Generally, this yields very good results and allows me to exchange without hesitation,” says Damba.

She continues, “After almost a year in my assignment, I can say that the experiences that have touched me the most are related to the facilitation of integration from the beginning of the mission, the friendly atmosphere in which the team works, the flexibility of arrangements and schedules to allow everyone to achieve their results optimally, and the opportunity to learn from everyone without exception.”

Damba is the focal point for disability inclusion in UNRCO Togo. She engages UN agencies to focus on disability inclusion for the implementation of the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy. She also works with the communication team to create disability-inclusive content and also uses social media platforms to generate interest in disability and access issues.

“The biggest challenge for me is the challenge to communicate. Having a hearing impairment means that there are certain requirements, which sometimes are not easily met. However, the welcoming environment at UNRCO has greatly helped me feel confident,” said Damba. She also feels empowered when she meets another colleague with disability. The empathy and assurance that they give each other is something, Damba hold dear.

“I would tell other persons with disabilities interested in volunteering in the UN system, you have the same chances as everyone else, apply! Your talents will be valued, and you will be best placed to contribute to building a fairer and more inclusive world.”

This article was jointly produced with the kind support of Vibhu Sharma, UN Volunteer Communications Specialist for Disability Inclusion and Antoinette Gyan, Online Volunteer. For more information on volunteering opportunities, please click on how to become a volunteer.