Osama Nawahda
29.11.2023 | 12:00

Determination brings forth resilience

Osama Nawahda, a national UN Volunteer in the State of Palestine, strongly believes in promoting human rights for all. He serves as a Humanitarian Field Support Assistant in the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

“Don’t lose yourself, you are the only support you have.”

“When it feels scary to jump, that’s exactly when you jump.”

These are Osama’s life mottos. They are among the reasons why he did not hesitate to volunteer, despite his thorough assessment of the possible challenges he could encounter. For instance, Osama was concerned about building relationships with partners and conducting field visits for humanitarian assessments.

Osama has a physical disability, a genetic muscle mutation called Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy which affects the muscles of the face, shoulder blades and upper arms.

“During my first month on assignment, I described my condition to colleagues and partners, and they were understanding and supportive,” Osama shares.

“Yet there have been challenges. I recall moments in the early months when I contemplated resigning because I was at risk of falling when navigating unpaved ground in the Jordan Valley area.”

Disability is articulated as a struggle, but Osama turned it into an inspirational journey filled with personality, wit, compassion, love, ambition and pride. His creativity, steadfast desire to learn, and determination to overcome obstacles teach us resilience. Thank you, Osama, for making us believe that each of us possesses unique talents.
-- Sumoud Abu Khdair, Humanitarian Affairs Associate at UNOCHA

Osama shares that he faced challenges holding an iPad and taking notes on it. So, he looked for solutions and discovered that he could install the assessment application on a mobile phone and carry out his work efficiently. Osama appreciates the support he received from his supervisor, Muayad Khdear, in this and other matters.

Two months into his assignment, Osama was handed responsibility of a demolition assessment. He was so happy and proud that his supervisor believed in his work.

Over the past two years, his volunteering assignment has transformed Osama’s outlook and has helped him build a sense of resilience and achievement. He shares that when he meets with the people in the community he serves, he feels like a winner, as he is able to aid them in their challenges.

Osama has also grown professionally, as he has gained the skills that have enabled him to mobilize resources, handle emergency situations along with several other skills that have helped him to assess needs and respond optimally.

Osama would like to see many more persons with disabilities volunteer with the UN.

As a volunteer with a disability, you will discover the invaluable lesson that there is always a pathway to accomplish tasks and achieve your goals. Believe in yourself and trust that you have the resilience and resourcefulness to overcome any obstacles that come your way.
-- Osama Nawahda

This article was produced with the kind support of Online Volunteer Antoinette Gyan. Find out more on how to volunteer online or engage Online Volunteers.