Hudoykul Hafizov
01.12.2023 | 12:00

Inclusion: The path to development

Each Individual has a unique role to play in life…And here is my contribution

Life is a symphony, and the action of every person in this life is the playing of his particular part in the music" by Hazrat Inayat Khan.

This quote beautifully captures the essence of life as a collective endeavour, where each individual has a unique role to play. It reminds us that our actions, no matter how big or small, contribute to the overall harmony of existence,” said Hudoykul Hafizov, 52 year old UN volunteer with the UNDP Uzbekistan office serving as a Disability Inclusion Advisor.

Hudoykol has psychosocial, physical and visual disabilities. His motivation to volunteer with the UN comes from a desire to give back to society and support the rights of persons with disabilities.

This issue holds a personal connection for me, as I have dedicated over 10 years of my life to working directly with individuals with disabilities.” Hudoykol’s personal experiences, he has witnessed firsthand the obstacles that persons with disabilities encounter daily, and he is determined to utilize his skills and expertise to effect positive change in lives of persons with disabilities.


Hudoykol has been serving as UN Volunteer since September 2021 with a main duty of providing expertise in disability inclusion for all programme and project activities of the office.

Throughout this period, he developed comprehensive accessibility assessment checklists and conducted thorough audits of the building facilities at the UNDP Country Office (CO).

It has been a delight to work alongside Hudoykul Hafizov, whose expertise in accessibility and disability inclusion immensely enriched our team's dynamics at UNDP in Uzbekistan. His tailored approaches and steadfast commitment to disability inclusion paved the way for more inclusive practices that we continue to build upon.
-- Sherzodbek Sharipov, Programme Associate on Public Policy, UNDP Uzbekistan CO.

In addition, Hudoykol has developed ‘Easy Read Instruction Manuals’, as part of the "Call Umida" project. These are instruction manuals in English, Uzbek, and Russian. These manuals are designed specifically for persons with learning and hearing disabilities, making information more accessible and empowering them to engage effectively.

Through these contributions, I believe I have been making a positive impact by fostering disability inclusion, enhancing accessibility, raising awareness, and promoting best practices within the UNDP office and the communities it serves. By advocating for the rights and empowerment of persons with disabilities, I strive to create a more inclusive and equitable society,” says Hudoykol.

Hudoykol faces several challenges in the line of his duties on a daily basis. Including a challenge with interacting and collaborating with co-workers, limitation in typing capabilities when working for extended periods due to physical disabilities and an inability to work for extended periods of time in front of a computer due to visual impairment.


In spite of all these challenges, Hudoykol, has remained resilient because of his strong desire to serve persons with disability knowing for sure that his contribution in terms of policies, guidelines and initiatives will directly impact the lives of persons living with disabilities.

“My experience as a UN volunteer at UNDP Uzbekistan, the field of disability inclusion, has deepened my understanding of the challenges faced by persons with disabilities, and It has also provided me with a platform to apply my skills and expertise in a meaningful way.
-- Hudoykol

According to him, volunteering with the UN system can be an enriching and transformative journey.


Embrace the opportunity to contribute to global development efforts, learn from diverse professionals, and make a positive impact. Approach the experience with an open mind, willingness to learn, and a passion for making a difference. Remember, your disability should not hinder your aspirations to volunteer with the UN. The UN system values diversity and inclusion, and volunteering can be a rewarding path to contribute to sustainable development on a global scale,” he says advising other individuals wishing to volunteer with the UN.


Hudoykol‘s efforts and initiatives have facilitated an identification of areas of improvement and have made valuable recommendations to enhance accessibility for persons with disabilities within the UNDP Uzbekistan

This article was produced with the kind support of Online Volunteer Antoinette Gyan. Find out more on how to volunteer online or engage Online Volunteers.