Namchok Petsaen

Namchok Petsaen: A Volunteering Journey
22.02.2024 | 11:39

Namchok Petsaen: A Volunteering Journey

Namchok Petsaen holds the principle of “Leave No One Behind” dear. He says, “I believe that by creating an environment that is accessible and supportive, we can empower people with disabilities to fully participate in the workforce and contribute their unique talents and perspectives.” In volunteering for the UN, Namchok saw an opportunity to promote equal opportunities and advocate for the rights of individuals with disabilities, and he has fully embraced this experience.

Namchok  is volunteering as a Communications Assistant at the United Nations Volunteers Regional Office Asia and the Pacific. Namchok  has been instrumental in developing engaging videos and graphics showcasing the incredible work of volunteers and raises awareness of their contributions. This has helped to amplify the impact of UN Volunteers and fostered a sense of community and collaboration. Furthermore, the visual content created by him has helped to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and contribute to a more inclusive workplace thereby promoting equal opportunity.  

Namchock aims to create a more representative volunteer programme and at the same time, empower persons with disabilities.  

Through his involvement with Bangkok Accessibility Journey, Namchok has raised awareness on the challenges faced by persons with disabilities while commuting on public transport. As part of his involvement with the UNDP Accelerator Lab Thailand, Namchok has also co-created sessions with the local communities in the Sukhothai and Suphanburi provinces to develop appropriate prototypes for Community-Based Tourism For All. “  

As a wheelchair user, Namchok has faced accessibility challenges and misconceptions related to his disability, however, he has always overcome them through open communication and a positive attitude.  

To add to his successes, one of his most memorable experiences as a professional for the has been developing a motorbike specifically designed for wheelchair users as a result of the challenges he personally faced when commuting to work. “This innovative solution allowed me to navigate through the city and commute to work independently, overcoming the barriers I faced in traditional transportation,” Namchok shares.  This experience demonstrates the power of determination and creativity in overcoming obstacles, as well as the importance of accessibility and inclusive solutions in ensuring equal participation and contribution in the society and workplace. 

Volunteering has had a profound impact on Namchok’s personal and professional growth. It has broadened his perspectives, deepened his understanding of different cultures, and enhanced his intercultural competence. He has also improved his communication and public speaking skills through delivering workshops and advocating for diversity and inclusion. Namchok encourages other individuals with disabilities who are interested in volunteering with the UN system to share their own unique experiences, skills, and perspectives. He tells us that volunteerism enables everyone to play an active role in the transformative movement that the UN supports, ensuring that individuals with disabilities have their voices heard, valued, and embraced in shaping a better future for everyone.

This article was produced with the kind support of Online Volunteer Abbey Gibson. Find out more on how to volunteer online or engage Online Volunteers.