Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, giving the opening speech during the launch of the State of World's Volunteerism Report 2015, at UN Headquarters in New York.
Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, giving the opening speech during the launch of the State of World's Volunteerism Report 2015, at UN Headquarters in New York. Looking on is Richard Dictus, UNV Executive Coordinator. (WebTV, UN News Center, 2015)

Helen Clark says “UNDP sees volunteers amplifying citizens’ voices… and facilitating participation in political processes”

In her address at the launch of The State of the Word's Volunteerism Report 2015: Transforming Governance, UNDP Administrator Helen Clark says her organization "...sees volunteers being catalysts for change, amplifying citizens' voices, and facilitating participation in political processes."

Member States of the Open Working Group on the Post-2015 agenda agreed, "There should be [a sustainable development goal] on peaceful and inclusive societies, with the aim of building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels,"  recalled Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme at the launch of the State of the World's Volunteerism Report 2015. "Volunteers can help engage people from all walks of life in making progress towards that goal a reality," she concluded.

UNDP administers UNV which produced the Report that focuses on the role of volunteerism in transforming governance. "In its work around the world,"  said the development programme's senior executive, "UNDP sees volunteers being catalysts for change, amplifying citizens' voices, and facilitating participation in political processes. We work to support their efforts."

Read the entire speech by the UNDP Administrator upon the launch of the State of the World's Volunteerism Report 2015: Transforming Governance.