Inspiration in Action (brochure) (Arabic version)

UNV engages people at all levels in peace and sustainable development. We recognize the role of women as a driving force for progress and as promoters of societal transformation. UNV boosts global advocacy and partners to promote youth volunteerism, and launched a Youth Volunteering Strategy and a UNDP/UNV Youth Trust Fund in 2013.

UNV supports peace and sustainable human development around the globe through the promotion of volunteerism and mobilization of volunteers. It is active in 122 countries and has field units in more than 90 countries and a number of regional offices. Every year, UNV directly mobilizes almost 7,000 UN Volunteers to serve either in their own countries or abroad. These UN Volunteers contribute to the peace and development projects and initiatives of 36 United Nations system partners. About 82 per cent of UN Volunteers come from countries of the global South. More than 30 per cent of UN Volunteers are assigned within their own countries. UNV also operates an Online Volunteering service, which connects United Nations entities, civil society organizations and public institutions directly with highly capable and motivated individuals who provide their support over the internet.