Hanan Ahmed, UN Volunteer supervising work progress of the terminal of the airport of Goma (North Kivu), in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Faivre; UNV, 2016)

Hanan, UN Volunteer at the control

Hanan Ahmed is a UNV international civil engineer volunteer (Ethiopia) on assignment with the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO). Based in Goma in the eastern part of the country, she is involved in all phases of MONUSCO’s construction and infrastructure work by carrying out preliminary studies, project management, budget proposals and writing project reports.

Her work, entails a lot of travel in Goma as well as throughout the various provinces in North Kivu, and consists of assessing and overseeing the projects currently underway. « I am presently in charge of supervising the work being carried out at the Goma Airport terminal which will facilitate the movement of MONUSCO civilian and military personnel and UN volunteers heading to their missions throughout the country», says Hanan.

She works in a profession that is predominantly male and is proud to be able to overcome the stereotyping and barriers she encounters on a daily basis in that field. Hanan is first, and foremost, a UN Volunteer who brings her skills and energy to the aid of the local population with whom she lives. « I am giving my all to have a positive impact on the people around me. That is what motivates me to go to work every morning», she adds.