UNV and AIESEC launch the Young Person’s Guide to ‘Changing the World’ to help you achieve the SDGs

AIESEC, a global youth-led organization, has partnered with the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme to produce a guide of daily actions and activities that can be carried out to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The guide was produced building on ideas from 500 young leaders from 126 countries.

The Young Person’s Guide: Changing the World Edition combines inputs from youth leaders and young people worldwide with expertise coming from 13 partner organizations in the private sector, civil society and international financial institutions.

The guide calls on youth worldwide to take the lead by engaging their friends and families and by mobilizing their communities. It also includes tips for private companies, NGOs and educational institutions to leverage their potential for the greater good and support of the SDGs through volunteering.

Examples range from raising awareness about social protection programmes to helping support poverty alleviation, fundraising for a local school to support children’s education, volunteering in a local refugee camp and organizing trainings for refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants, while tracking your carbon footprint and creating an action plan to support the environment.

This guide doesn’t claim to represent all the activities young people can do to achieve the Global Goals. It works as a guiding tool—an inspiration—to get started and recognise what young people can do to help. Let your creativity soar!

Who made this guide possible: Asian Development Bank, Electrolux, JCI, Plan International, PwC, SDSN Youth, Teach For All, TCS, UN Habitat, U-Report, World Organization of the Scout Movement, World Vision, World Merit and Project Everyone.
