Miriam Tina, UN Volunteer Disaster Risk Reduction Assistant serves with UNDRR Kenya
Miriam Tina, UN Volunteer Disaster Risk Reduction Assistant serves with UNDRR Kenya.

UN Volunteer in Kenya takes climate action through disaster response

My name is Miriam Tina and I am a UN Volunteer Disaster Risk Reduction Assistant with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). Since joining The Horn of Africa Partnership Project for Disaster Early Warning and Response in March 2021, I have gained a lot of knowledge in disaster risk management and early warning systems. 


Through UNDRR’s virtual meetings, calls, and discussions, I have expanded my network and gained a greater understanding of how Sustainable Development Goal 11 – focusing on making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable – is implemented. This ensures that African cities and communities are sustainable and disaster resilient by 2030.

Through the project, I have learned that most countries in the Greater Horn of Africa are vulnerable to disasters as a result of the causal chain of different hazard triggers that are interdependent and, in most cases, climate induced. This also gave me an opportunity to study in great detail networks such as Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) with relevant research on the subject matter and area I was working in.

The project’s practical coexistence between the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR 2015-2030), the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, and the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is what interests me the most. 

The main objective of the project is to reduce catastrophe risk by 2030 by achieving target G of the SFDRR. Target G aims to enhance prevention and preparedness and to have access to early warning systems, risk information, and assessments.

By addressing SDG 13 focusing on climate action – with IGAD-ICPAC, an organization dedicated to providing warning against climate induced disasters in the IGAD Member States, UNDRR is committed to preventing future disaster losses and lowering existing disaster losses.

Even outside of my responsibilities, my involvement as a volunteer has provided me with valuable learning opportunities because I have been able to meet with my peers and discuss ideas." -- Miriam Tina, Disaster Risk Reduction Assistant, UNDRR Kenya

The initiative provides me the opportunity to participate in and get training in a range of virtual meetings and courses. This learning adds to my personal development. In addition to developing skills in disaster risk management and early warning systems, the project brings more critical thinking. I increase my knowledge and incorporate different color codes and corresponding messages for Early Warning Systems alert, such as sirens and cell broadcasts in the development of Standard Operating Procedure for IGAD-DOC.

I encourage everyone to take action on climate change. It is a common responsibility, and we are all obligated to take action." -- Miriam Tina, Disaster Risk Reduction Assistant, UNDRR Kenya