Parkhat Yussupjanov Making a lasting impact

Parkhat Yussupjanov: Making a lasting impact
13.03.2024 | 11:33

Parkhat Yussupjanov: Making a lasting impact

Parkhat Yussupjanov is a UN Volunteer Partnership Assistant with UNICEF in Kazakhstan.

 He recalls how he joined United Nations Volunteers. It was through word of mouth. In 2013, Parkhat participated in a training on Human Resource Development in Asia on Peacebuilding organized by the Japanese government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One of the speakers inspired the audience by sharing a personal anecdote on how he started his journey as a UN Volunteer and years later ended up as an envoy of the UN Secretary-General. This led Parkhat to UNV and UN Volunteer assignments for persons with disabilities.

It's been a year since he has been a UN Volunteer in his current role.

Parkhat is visually impaired. His office has provided him with specialized equipment, including Braille Display for Windows, a software that reads the screen.

Working alongside partnership colleagues, Parkhat assists with donor and partner mapping, developing fundraising strategies, and writing policy briefs.  He also supports the communications team to be more inclusive by delivering training on inclusion and persons with disabilities.

He recalls how he joined United Nations Volunteers. It was through word of mouth. In 2013, Parkhat participated in a training on Human Resource Development in Asia on Peacebuilding organized by the Japanese government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One of the speakers inspired the audience by sharing a personal anecdote on how he started his journey as a UN Volunteer and years later ended up as an envoy of the UN Secretary-General. This led Parkhat to UNV and UN Volunteer assignments for persons with disabilities.

It's been a year since he has been a UN Volunteer in his current role.

Parkhat is visually impaired. His office has provided him with specialized equipment, including Braille Display for Windows, a software that reads the screen.

Working alongside partnership colleagues, Parkhat assists with donor and partner mapping, developing fundraising strategies, and writing policy briefs.  He also supports the communications team to be more inclusive by delivering training on inclusion and persons with disabilities.

The UNICEF management installed accessibility means, such as Braille door plates and an emergency evacuation scheme to help him navigate the office easily. Parkhat felt encouraged and valued by his colleagues at UNICEF, they were disability champions for him.

You may think that by managing a UNICEF office you are doing great on inclusivity. But it isn’t until you have a team member with a disability that puts inclusivity to the test. Parkhat helped us look at our barriers to inclusivity in a much more fundamental manner. Through him, we reflected on this important topic. He leaves a lasting impact on the entire team. --Testimonial of Arthur Van Diesen, former UNICEF representative in Kazakhstan. 

Yet, social barriers exist around him. Parkhat says, “My office space is accessible but when I have to go for meetings, it’s then that I face challenges. I tend to follow people wherever they are going. I can't make my own decisions on where I want to go.”

However, during his UN Volunteer assignment, Parkhat has had many incredible experiences. In some ways, his assignment has been life-transforming. It’s expanded his professional network. Eventually adding to his professional development.

Parkhat shares a momentous event, “I have truly benefitted professionally and personally including some precious memories. An unforgettable experience in June 2022 – the memory will always remain fond and forever etched – Amina Mohammad, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General and Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, took off her SDG pin and attached it to my coat in recognition of my passion for the SDGs.” 

Making a difference in the lives of children through partnerships, this is the story of Parkhat Yussupjanov, who joined UNV through word of mouth and now is a motivational voice for others planning to follow suit.



This article was produced with the kind support of Online Volunteer Antoinette Gyan. Find out more on how to volunteer online or engage Online Volunteers.