Nahashon Njuguna: An advocate for quality education

Nahashon Njuguna: An advocate for quality education
29.04.2024 | 11:02

Nahashon Njuguna: An advocate for quality education

Nahashon Njuguna is a UN Volunteer Social Protection Officer with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Country Office in Kenya. He holds a bachelor's degree in special needs education and is inspired by the vision that providing educational opportunities to vulnerable children offers them a path out of poverty.

Through his assignment, he supports STRIDE, a programme implemented by UNICEF, which offers school transport to children with disabilities, along with financial support for educational expenses and disability-related costs. 

Nahashon connects children with disabilities to services and programmes such as STRIDE so that children with disabilities can get the support they need in accessing free, equitable, and quality basic education.

"I am visually impaired and understand the vulnerability of persons with disabilities. I also understand the stigma and discrimination that comes with it. Through my volunteer service, I ensure that girls and boys can access free, equitable, and quality basic education. That is the core of education for all," says Nahashon.

He believes through awareness society can eliminate barriers to the participation of people with disabilities. 

Nahashon nurtures relationships with county staff, national stakeholders in the government and civil society, teachers, and students. He hopes to support avenues through policy and planning that will make quality education possible for all.

This article was jointly produced by UN Volunteer Communications Specialist for Disability Inclusion, Vibhu Sharma and Online Volunteer Antoinette Gyan. For more information on volunteering opportunities, please click on how to become a volunteer.