Youth volunteers inspire green transition in Djibouti

As the world grapples with pressing environmental challenges, young changemakers step up to take the lead on the green transition and reshape the narrative of our planet’s future. The journey of Fatouma Mohamed Barakat, Idmane Moussa Ali and Abdourahman Ali Ibrahim, UN Youth Volunteers serving with the UN Development Programme (UNDP) in Djibouti, exemplifies the critical role of youth in leading the way towards an environmentally-sustainable and climate-friendly world.

With the spirit of volunteering deeply rooted in her, Fatouma has always had the drive to empower young people. Her journey started in Geneva where she interned with the Permanent Mission of Djibouti to the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.

Armed with knowledge and experience, and having youth empowerment at heart, she returned to Djibouti to volunteer as Regional Coordinator and Youth Development Delegate with UNDP. Within her assignment, she has been implementing the Youth Leadership Programme (YLP) in her country since 2021.

UN University Volunteers contribute to sustainable infrastructure in Nepal

Sustainable infrastructure impacts quality of life. As urbanization increases, the maintenance of infrastructure becomes a challenge for local governments. In Nepal, the engineering expertise of five UN University Volunteers contributed to infrastructure asset management at the local level, helping to improve the lives of many.

Binod Chand, Bikas Jha, Kushal Limbu, Madhusudan Ghimire and Shraddha Thapa are UN Volunteer Infrastructure Asset Management Associates. They serve with the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), in Nepal.

While engaging with key stakeholders and elected officials, the group of five invest time to fully understand the impact of existing policies, laws and regulations on municipal asset management and areas of reform and improvement.