Making an impact on local communities in Kosovo

Andreas Nord (Sweden) served with the UN Development Programme (UNDP) in Kosovo* as a UN Youth Volunteer funded by Sweden/SIDA in the role of Socio-Economic Programme Associate. Two years later, he became a UN Volunteer Programme Support Officer with the Inclusive Growth and Climate Resilience Portfolio. Andreas recently shared his reflections before moving to the UNDP Syria Cross-Border Initiative as a Programme Officer for Early Recovery and Livelihoods.

I have a long history of service that began at a young age. I completed residencies for unaccompanied refugee children and volunteered with CISV, an international youth organization that promotes peace through education.

My previous experiences prepared me well for my UN Volunteer assignments with UNDP in Kosovo, fully funded by Sweden. They played a crucial role in helping me truly understand the challenges people face and the significance of finding solutions to alleviate human suffering.