Expanding economic growth for young entrepreneurs in Sierra Leone

Irregular migration that takes place outside the laws, regulations or international agreements is common in Sierra Leone. Young people are often driven to seek economic opportunities across the country or in other countries, thus exposing themselves to risks. In this context, Koji Arasawa (Japan) shares his reflections on his service as a UN Volunteer with the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

In supporting decent work and economic growth with IOM, I took the lead in youth entrepreneurship and expanded opportunities for young people's skill development. This was an important part of reducing the flow of irregular migration and improving Sierra Leone's economic development.

Driving transformation with young people through dynamic partnerships

The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on the people of Nepal, with children and young people being among the most vulnerable. According to the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), two-thirds of children lack access to at least one of seven basic needs. Machiko Kitagawa (Japan) served as a UN Volunteer with UNICEF, playing a pivotal role in engaging adolescents and youth in the wake of COVID-19.

UN Volunteer Machiko Kitagawa played a pivotal role in engaging adolescents and youth with UNICEF in Nepal. Her primary focus was to oversee the implementation of Generation Unlimited (GenU) in Nepal, devising strategies, bolstering country frameworks and forging crucial partnerships to empower Nepalese youth. Machiko's assignment was fully funded by the Government of Japan, under the Human Resource Development Programme for Peacebuilding and Development.