UNV Executive Coordinator addresses International Volunteer Forum in Kazakhstan

Mr Toily Kurbanov, Executive Coordinator of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme, addressed the International Volunteer Forum in Astana, Kazakhstan, on 21 June 2023. Below are his remarks as delivered.

Your Excellency Mr President,

Ladies and gentlemen,

My name is Toily Kurbanov, and I bring to you greetings from 12,000 UN Volunteers worldwide. To help our interpreters: Менің атым Тойли Курбанов және мен сізге Біріккен Ұлттар Ұйымының волонтерлерінен сәлем жолдап келдім.

First, I thank the government of Kazakhstan for organizing this International Forum on Volunteering and for inviting UNV.