Digital volunteers deliver lifesaving information during Hurricane Irma

After Hurricane Irma hit the Caribbean, UNICEF recruited volunteers using the UNV Online Volunteer service and trained them to respond to messages on the situation and advice on how to stay safe. Seven volunteers were recruited and responded to 8,000 messages in 21 days.

They came in three. Hurricanes Irma, Jose and Maria battered their way through the Caribbean and Southern Florida last summer, with 185mph winds causing an estimated $67 billion worth of damage. Many homes, schools and hospitals were ripped apart, with communities working desperately hard to ensure people remained safe. One important way of ensuring people were prepared was getting potentially life-saving information to those in the path of the storms.

Volunteers keeping Samoa clean

On the week that the world celebrated International Volunteer Day (IVD), volunteers “acted first” through a rubbish collection activity sponsored by UNV.

Volunteers act first in Bangladesh

UNV and UN Women observe International Volunteer Day 2017 in Bangladesh. Volunteers as crisis managers and life savers at the time of need, their most defining quality is that they act first.

Giving back to the community in South Sudan

A team of UN Volunteers came together to touch the lives of the people they serve in South Sudan by embarking on a special personal donation drive to mark International Volunteer Day in Jonglei.

There are 27 volunteers serving in the Jonglei region for the United Nations Mission in South Sudan. They decided to make their special day about others rather than themselves in the spirit of volunteerism, which is all about giving.

Celebrating volunteers’ contributions in times of crisis in Serbia

The Red Cross of Serbia and the UN agencies in Serbia partnered up to jointly commemorate the International Volunteer Day under the global theme Volunteers Act First. Here. Everywhere. 

Transforming passion for volunteerism into action in Kosovo

A Volunteer Fair was organized in Pristina, Kosovo to mark International Volunteer Day on 5 December. Participants learnt about volunteerism and careers in development. A conference co-hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, UNICEF Innovation Lab, UNV and OSCE also focused on raising awareness about the importance of voluntary work for the overall well-being of the community, and praised the work of volunteers in Kosovo.

Around 150 young people and potential volunteers met UN agencies and local NGOs during the Volunteer Fair in Pristina. The event also allowed participants to register on the Kosovo Volunteer Platform designed by the UNICEF Innovations Lab. The aim of this platform is to connect non-profit organizations and passionate volunteers for future collaborations.

UNV Sudan celebrates IVD 2017

On the occasion of IVD 2017, UNV Sudan in partnership with the Sudanese Red Crescent, organized a one-day workshop in Khartoum, where 30 national volunteers from local volunteering organizations, NGOs and National Youth Forum were invited, along with UNV to participate in an emergency first aid training.

The UNV Field Unit Khartoum, and the Sudanese Red Crescent held a day-long emergency first aid workshop to commemorate the International Volunteer Day under the theme “Volunteers Act First. Here. Everywhere.”.

UNV Sri Lanka planting trees for IVD

On 5 December 2017, UNV Sri Lanka celebrated International Volunteer Day by planting 5,000 trees in a drought-prone area in Sri Lanka. 

UNV with the special support of UNDP Sri Lanka under the Climate Change Adaptation Project (CCAP) joined hands with farm organizations, students of the Wayamba University, DMC Srilanka, the Volunteer Task Force and nearly 500 community volunteers to plant a select variety of trees on the riparian buffer of 10 selected tanks in the region of Galgamuwa Kurunegala.

Uni's pact with UN 'will benefit region'

Thailand has become the first country in Asean to sign an agreement with the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme to promote the country's initiatives towards the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.