"Volunteer experiences provide the insights and satisfaction for my work"

Since early childhood, my life has been driven by two factors: my love for knowledge instilled in me by my parents, and my efforts at being understood and appreciated.

Peshawar, Pakistan: My name is Hina Yousafzai and I am from Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, in Pakistan. I am currently working as a UN Volunteer supporting the FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) Recovery Project carried out by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the capacity of Reporting & Monitoring Associate based in Peshawar.

Since early childhood, my life has been driven by two factors: my love for knowledge instilled in me by my parents, and my efforts at being understood and appreciated.

We are 2030!

For the first time the world agreed that youth empowerment is a way to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This presents enormous opportunities and expectations on young people. How can the UN support, empower and prepare youth to be the driving force for the SDGs? In Asia and the Pacific, the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme, jointly with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), are developing a regional partnership with and for youth to deliver on the SDGs by 2030.

We are 2030!

For the first time the world agreed that youth empowerment is a way to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This presents enormous opportunities and expectations on young people. How can the UN support, empower and prepare youth to be the driving force for the SDGs? In Asia and the Pacific, the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme, jointly with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), are developing a regional partnership with and for youth to deliver on the SDGs by 2030.

Volunteering for Change in Chhattisgarh

The Strengthening Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) project and National Service Scheme (NSS) comprise one of the world’s largest youth volunteering schemes and together reach out to over 11 million young people in India. National UN Volunteer Anil Kumar Mishra is a UNV-District Youth Coordinator (UNV-DYC) in Sarguja, Chhattisgarh, where his responsibilities include reaching out to out-of-school, marginalized youth in the district.

Volunteering for Change in Chhattisgarh

The Strengthening Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) project and National Service Scheme (NSS) comprise one of the world’s largest youth volunteering schemes and together reach out to over 11 million young people in India. National UN Volunteer Anil Kumar Mishra is a UNV-District Youth Coordinator (UNV-DYC) in Sarguja, Chhattisgarh, where his responsibilities include reaching out to out-of-school, marginalized youth in the district.

UNV and the private sector

The achievement of the SDGs requires enhanced cooperation among various stakeholders. UNV effectively fulfills its mission of mobilizing volunteers by establishing partnerships with multiple actors, which is vital for ensuring inclusivity. The private sector assumes a pivotal role in facilitating this process.

Become a UN Youth Volunteer

Who are UN Youth Volunteers?

UN Youth Volunteers are a separate category of UN Volunteers recently created in response to the United Nations Secretary-General’s call for greater engagement in volunteerism of history’s largest generation of people under 30. UN Youth Volunteers help the United Nations – one of the world’s most important intergovernmental organizations - to fulfill its mission.

UNV and COMESA sign MOU for COMESA Youth Volunteer Scheme

On 26 August 2016, during a side event preceeding TICAD VI, Richard Dictus, the Executive Coordinator of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme and Ambassador Dr. Kipyego Cheluget, Assistant Secretary General of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) towards establishing the COMESA Youth Volunteer Scheme (COMESA-YVS).

The MOU signing was a culmination of extensive discussions between the two organizations led by the UNV Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa based in Nairobi.

UNV and COMESA sign MOU for COMESA Youth Volunteer Scheme

On 26 August 2016, during a side event preceeding TICAD VI, Richard Dictus, the Executive Coordinator of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme and Ambassador Dr. Kipyego Cheluget, Assistant Secretary General of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) towards establishing the COMESA Youth Volunteer Scheme (COMESA-YVS).

The MOU signing was a culmination of extensive discussions between the two organizations led by the UNV Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa based in Nairobi.

Three National UN Volunteers assist ASEM 11 Volunteers in Mongolia

With over 4,000 participants, the 11th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM11), held July 15-16 2016, was the largest diplomatic gathering to come to Mongolia to date. In addition to the main international summit, there were nine preceding meetings.

Some 1,200 young men and women assisted these events as youth volunteers, garnering much recognition for their great work. The President of Mongolia commended them for being the first-ever and the biggest youth volunteer group in Mongolia. Each and every volunteer was given a certificate of appreciation.