UNV partnering with Sweden

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme has been partnering with Sweden, represented by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) since 2007. The partnership was formally renewed in 2018, also in view of Sida’s Strategy for Capacity Development, Partnerships and Methods Supporting Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development (2018-2022).

In 2017, Sida and UNV signed the first agreement to supporting full funding of UN Youth Volunteer assignments for Swedish Volunteers. During 2022, 109 Swedish nationals served as UN Volunteers. The Government of Sweden funded 148 volunteer assignments in total.

"As UN Volunteers, we have immense challenges, but infinitely stronger is our passion and commitment to protection of children"

In 2015 and 2016, I was offered an opportunity by the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme to join missions in Afghanistan and Ecuador respectively; at the time, I declined. In 2018, however, I made a life-changing decision to join the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) as a UN Volunteer Child Protection Officer in Malakal, located in the north-east of the country. My name is Angela Tovar from Colombia, and this is my story on how becoming a UN Volunteer changed my life, and subsequently other people’s lives, for the better.

The activities I am engaged in at the Child Protection Unit are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically with SDG 16, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. The unit’s work in Malakal meets one of the major targets specified under this goal, which is to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against, and torture of, children. 

UNV partnering with Czechia

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme has been partnering with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czechia, represented by the Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Department, for many years. One of the many facets of this partnership is the full funding of UN Volunteer assignments in support of the United Nations system.

In 2022, 26 Czech nationals served as UN Volunteers, 15 of whom were funded by the Government of Czechia. The Government also provides a contribution to UNV’s Special Voluntary Fund (SVF), a flexible resource to implement UNV’s Strategic Framework.  

UNV partnering with Finland

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme has been partnering with the Government of Finland, represented by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, since 1974. Finland provides support to the full funding of UN Volunteer assignments for Finnish nationals through two different departments: the Department for Development Policy and since 2016, the Political Department/Unit for Security Policy and Crisis Management.

During 2022, 50 Finnish nationals served as UN Volunteers, 45 of whom were funded by the Government of Finland. 

Volunteer voices of inclusion from IOM Somalia

In Somalia, Leena Saarinen (Finland) serves with International Organization for Migration (IOM) as a UN Youth Volunteer. Her passion for advancing the rights of vulnerable groups and facilitating their access to services propelled her altruistic motivation to volunteer. On the occasion of International Volunteer Day, she shares how she volunteers for an inclusive future.

Serving with the IOM Durable Solutions Programme, Leena recognizes the opportunity to consult people with various backgrounds as a real asset in her daily activities as a UN Volunteer. She sees the diversity of their ideas and opinions as a rich resource to build cohesion and sustainable solutions.

Volunteerism strengthens civic engagement, social inclusion, solidarity and ownership. It also builds capacities, ownership and connections between local communities and national authorities for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Volunteering for Peace and Development in the Sahel

Ouagadougou, 19th November 2019 

This meeting is timely, the Sahel region being in focus with many challenges related to peace and development. Among the solutions and initiatives, volunteering is positioned as a solid value, hence the theme: "Volunteering contributions to peace and development in the Sahel".

Volunteering for Peace and Development in the Sahel

Ouagadougou, 19th November 2019 

This meeting is timely, the Sahel region being in focus with many challenges related to peace and development. Among the solutions and initiatives, volunteering is positioned as a solid value, hence the theme: "Volunteering contributions to peace and development in the Sahel".

Volunteering for Peace and Development in the Sahel

Ouagadougou, 19th November 2019 

This meeting is timely, the Sahel region being in focus with many challenges related to peace and development. Among the solutions and initiatives, volunteering is positioned as a solid value, hence the theme: "Volunteering contributions to peace and development in the Sahel".

Volunteering for Peace and Development in the Sahel

“Volunteerism as an essential strategy that makes distinctive contributions to the challenges of development, now and in the future.”
It's a first. The main volunteering organizations for peace and development in the Sahel region, from Mali, Niger, Chad, Mauritania and Burkina Faso, hold their first international round table on volunteering in the Sahel.

Ouagadougou, 19th November 2019 

This meeting is timely, the Sahel region being in focus with many challenges related to peace and development. Among the solutions and initiatives, volunteering is positioned as a solid value, hence the theme: "Volunteering contributions to peace and development in the Sahel".

Harnessing the power of youth to protect the rights of children

As part of ongoing efforts to support young people, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and United Nations Volunteer (UNV) programme developed the innovative Youth Advocates Programme. This partnership initiative mobilizes UN Youth Volunteers as agents of change within the national programmes of UNICEF country offices around the globe.

Volunteer assignments foster youth engagement by providing a transformational experience that allows young people to build knowledge and develop skills. In Azerbaijan, Gunay Karimova and Rustam Jabbarov have served as Youth Advocates for Private Sector Engagement and Technology, Youth and Innovation since 2018.