From Germany to Latin America: volunteer journeys of learning and inspiration

Orphée-Luisa Dorschner and Marie Peschke are UN Volunteers from Germany currently serving in Latin America and the Caribbean. Both started in the United Nations system as interns in 2020-2021 through the Carlo Schmid programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). We share the tales of their journeys as UN Volunteers.

Orphée landed her internship with the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme in Panama "auf Umwegen", as she says in German, or in an unanticipated way. Initially, she was assigned to a different duty station, but when that assignment was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, her fluency in Spanish qualified her for Panama. "I wanted to contribute to peace and development and felt a direct connection to volunteerism," Orphée shares.