Enabling contact tracing and infection control in the Ebola crisis

The World Health Organization recruited 20 UN Volunteers to support its response to the Ebola virus outbreak in Uganda. Meet Namuli, Brian and Caroline, who have been providing support in contact tracing, health and nursing as specialized UN Volunteers.

Namuli Annet Christine, Data Management Officer, WHO Uganda

Namuli is Public Health Specialist who was recruited as a national UN Volunteer Data Management Officer with WHO in Uganda. She has always been motivated to create positive health impact in communities, in areas of prevention, detection and response to public health emergencies, especially disease outbreaks like the recent Ebola virus. Becoming a UN Volunteer gave her that opportunity.

Uganda and UN partnership succeeds in containing Ebola virus outbreak

On 20 September 2022, Uganda declared an Ebola virus outbreak in Mubende District in the central part of the country. As cases multiplied, the government enforced a regional lockdown to cap the Ebola virus and contain the emergency. During the outbreak, 142 confirmed cases were registered, resulting in 55 deaths and 87 recovered patients. Another 22 patients suffered symptoms deemed probable Ebola virus cases.

The UN in Uganda collaborated with the Government and other partners in addressing the health emergency. During the outbreak, more than 20 national UN Volunteers were deployed to bolster the UN response to the crisis. The UN Volunteers were mainly hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO), UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and a government agency, the Kampala Capital Authority. Other UN Volunteers initially recruited to support the COVID-19 response were reassigned to the response.