Syrians rebuilding Syria–one volunteer at a time

Syria, seven years into the crisis and counting. Over 13 million Syrians need humanitarian assistance, and of these six million are internally displaced and five million fled to other countries. Majority of people affected by the crisis are children and youth; some children have no memories of life before the conflict.

Syrians rebuilding Syria–one volunteer at a time

Syria, seven years into the crisis and counting. Over 13 million Syrians need humanitarian assistance, and of these six million are internally displaced and five million fled to other countries. Majority of people affected by the crisis are children and youth; some children have no memories of life before the conflict.

Disaster risk reduction through youth volunteerism empowers women and communities

The 4th kick-off event took place on 25 April in Sittwe, Rakhine State, and gathered more than 60 participants, including State Departments representatives, Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group members, and Sittwe Youth Volunteers.

Disaster risk reduction through youth volunteerism empowers women and communities

The 4th kick-off event took place on 25 April in Sittwe, Rakhine State, and gathered more than 60 participants, including State Departments representatives, Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group members, and Sittwe Youth Volunteers.

Building gender equality in the Gaza Strip

Unemployment in the Gaza Strip, State of Palestine, stands at 42 percent. Part of the problem can be attributed to enduring conflict, which despite international and domestic relief efforts prevents sustained economic activity. Another contributing factor is the lack of women’s participation in the economy and ongoing relief efforts. The 2009 Inter-Agency Gender Needs Survey revealed that 93% of female heads of household had never participated in the relief process.

Bringing opportunities to all

From education to employment, the opportunities offered to men and women in Gaza are not equal. With programs implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme, this is slowly changing. Together, they promote gender equality in Gaza through volunteerism and women’s participation. There are currently 60 UN Volunteers in the State of Palestine, 26 are women.

Building job skills of young people across Lesotho through volunteer-led youth centres

Young people in Lesotho, as in many parts of the world, are facing challenges. High rates (35%) of unemployment, lack of access to quality education, gender inequality, and significant threats from the HIV/AIDS pandemic have left a generation of young people in Lesotho with limited opportunities.

In order to improve conditions for young people in Lesotho, a ground-breaking partnership between the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ), Lesotho National Youth Council, Office of the Director of Youth at the Ministry of Youth, and youth-focused VIOs in Lesotho, builds the employment skills of young people, provides them with greater access to information on health and

UNV’s response to the regional consequences of the crisis in Syria

The 2016 deployment of more than 400 international and national UN Volunteers to respond to the refugee and migrant influx in countries neighbouring Syria and across Europe is a clear example of UNV’s agility in responding to the Syria crisis.

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme continues to demonstrate its ability to meet contemporary development and peace challenges.  In 2016, UNV’s response to the refugee and migrant influx showcased this flexibility and rapid action capabilities through the deployment of hundreds of UN Volunteers who support humanitarian and development initiatives benefiting Syrian refugees and their host communities.

Responding to the refugee and migrant influx in Europe

Volunteering, a participatory approach to South-South Cooperation

Volunteering and South-South Cooperation share common ideals of mutuality, respect, and equality that make them perfect partners. Today there is great potential for them to combine for mutual benefit. The volunteering landscape has shifted and programmes are no longer confined to traditional Northern donor countries. New volunteering organizations have emerged in the Global South as volunteerism becomes increasingly mainstream, more organized, and better governed.

UN Volunteers offer solutions in reconstruction of Syria and livelihoods of refugees

UNV Deputy Executive Coordinator Toily Kurbanov participated in the joint Jobs Make the Difference side event at the Brussels Syria Conference. He offered valuable insight on the value of UN Volunteers and online volunteering in the reconstruction of Syria and the livelihoods of refugees in the region. The full transcript of his remarks is below.

UN Volunteers offer solutions in reconstruction of Syria and livelihoods of refugees

UNV Deputy Executive Coordinator Toily Kurbanov participated in the joint Jobs Make the Difference side event at the Brussels Syria Conference. He offered valuable insight on the value of UN Volunteers and online volunteering in the reconstruction of Syria and the livelihoods of refugees in the region. The full transcript of his remarks is below.