"Passion is what drives us to serve refugees"

This is a story of two UN Volunteers who protect the rights of refugees in Uganda and Tanzania. Mariko Otake from Japan and Solomon Oseghale Momoh from Nigeria are with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Their passion for the refugee cause is what drives their motivation to do what they do.

Mariko Otake is a UN Volunteer Associate Protection Officer with UNHCR in Uganda. Her area of focus is the West Nile region — particularly Adjumani district, which is home to 19 refugee settlements and over 222,000 refugees.

Working closely with local government, partners, and refugee community leaders, Mariko makes sure the well-being of refugees is on top of the agenda.

She creates sustainable support systems within refugee communities by connecting local community members to refugee-led organizations.

UNEP UNV Young Talent Pipeline begins its second phase

This joint partnership initiative between UNEP and UNV has a twin objective:

  • To deploy the second cohort of 13 young talented individuals in areas related to UNEP's mandate.
  • To seek candidates from Latin America and the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Africa.

If you are 33 years of age or younger, check out the assignment opportunities. Women and individuals from marginalized groups are especially encouraged to apply.

Greening the graphics

Online Volunteers with the United Nations Development Programme Accelerator Lab took on the task of coming up with graphics to promote sustainable development in Algeria and encourage a collective reflection on environmentally friendly entrepreneurial practices.

Online Volunteers showcased their graphic design skills and represented the goals of Algeria's Green Entrepreneurship Week.

Led by an Online Volunteer from Tunisia, Samher Abbessi, the Online Volunteering team with UNDP came up with promotional materials and presentations including a vibrant logo symbolizing sustainability and circular practices. 

Refugee rights are human rights

Three Refugee UN Volunteers with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) responded to the urgent and longer-term needs of Ukrainian refugees who fled when the war started in Ukraine.  

Olena Samoilova is a Ukrainian refugee who left her home with her family when the war started in February 2022. She found refuge in Hungary the following month.

Driven by empathy and sense of responsibility to support others, she volunteered at migration service centers shortly after she arrived in Hungary.

Executive Coordinator presents UNV 2023 results at the Executive Board

Madam Chair, distinguished delegates, Associate Administrator, 

The report before the Executive Board provides a high-level summary of UNV’s work in 2023.

While it strives to comprehensively cover our activities and the hard evidence of our results, it may still lack the vivid details of the daily realities.

Water is life

My name is Vivianne Kiriinya. I am a UN Volunteer Communications Specialist with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) since May 2024. I am based in my home country, Kenya and I serve with the Early Warning and Assessment Division under the World Water Quality Alliance (WWQA). These are some of my reflections.

We need water to survive.

Just as much as we need air, sunlight and food. 

As a Communications Specialist, my main task is to ensure that the work of WWQA is given the attention it deserves. In addition, I raise awareness of clean drinking water in communities. 

How do I do that?

Through creative outreach — success stories, social media, the corporate website, and more.

Water is a basic human right and everyone needs to be part of the conversation.

Real time learning through volunteering

Magdeline M. Sekhu and Georgina Edwards are UN Volunteers in South Africa. They reflect on volunteering and how it brings positive change to the United Nations system in the country. This is their story.


Georgina Edwards, UN Volunteer Innovation Analyst with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in South Africa

After finishing my graduate degree, I interned with UN-Habitat and that set the stage for my UN career. 

Transitioning to a UN Volunteer assignment in 2021 was a turning point, allowing me to step into my dream role as an Innovation Analyst with UNFPA.

Reducing the environmental footprint

Wanjiku Eva Muthoni and Kebbeh W. Baysah are UN Volunteers with the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO). Championing the cause of reducing the environmental footprint of MONUSCO, both Wanjiku and Kebbeh serve with the Environmental Protection Unit.

With land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience at the core — MONUSCO's Environmental Protection Unit includes cleaning sites and handing them over to landowners — tasks that Wanjiku and Kebbeh are responsible for in their volunteer assignments. 

Say no to child marriage in India

Poonam Kashyap is a UN Volunteer with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in India. She is based in Maharashtra, where she uses communication channels like radio broadcasts, social media, and open dialogues to educate people on the harmful practice of child marriage.

A retired Indian Army Officer with over a decade of military service, Poonam joined UNICEF in 2022 as a Child Protection Officer. She spreads the word about the negative impact of child marriage on everyone — the child plus society at large. 

Ensuring women's voices are heard

Leyla Novruzlu is a UN Volunteer with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). She focuses on Sustainable Development Goal 5 calling for gender equality under the second phase of Women's Economic Empowerment in the South Caucasus programme in Azerbaijan.


Leyla started her volunteering journey with UNDP as a Project Clerk.

She provides administrative support, maintains project documents, and assists communication across many levels. "I am keen to contribute to a culture of inclusivity within the team and ensure that women's voices are heard and valued at every stage of the project." Leyla shares.