UN Volunteer professional profiles: Medical/Health services

This professional profile shows the minimum requirements to serve as an international UN Volunteer in medical and/or health services, and highlights potential assignments as well as volunteer entitlements.

UNV has worked on many development projects and peace contexts with qualified medical doctors and other health-related professionals. These skilled professionals in medical and health services are often deployed to many locations throughout a country and provide immediate medical care to the local population and UN staff.

They volunteer in hospitals, peacekeeping missions, ministries of health and UN dispensaries. Through the transfer of specialized skills and knowledge, international UN Volunteers support in building capacity to reinforce local health infrastructure and ensure lasting impact.

Examples of requests from UNV’s partners for volunteers knowledgeable and experienced in the medical and health professions, with a minimum of two years of experience in their specialized field, include: general practitioners with clinical experience, surgeons, medical specialists such as anaesthesiologists, orthopaedic trauma surgeons, obstetricians and gynaecologists, paediatricians, ophthalmologists, cardiologists, urologists, internists, medical doctors specialized in public health, nurses, midwives, dentists, staff counsellors, psychiatrists, laboratory technicians and pharmacists.