UNV Annual Report 2013: Volunteering for the World We Want

UNV engages and partners with stakeholders, including UN Member States, the UN system and volunteer-involving organizations, to achieve globally-agreed goals related to peace and development. UN Volunteers facilitate effective and inclusive engagement with civil society and community groups, transfer skills and experience across countries of the South and enable the grassroots mobilization of yet more volunteers.


We are volunteering for the world we want.

The UNV Annual Report: Volunteering for the World We Want depicts the work and achievements of UN Volunteers in addressing the challenges of peace and sustainable human development. This report highlights UNV’s partnerships and results, and attests to the commitment, creativity and talent of our UN Volunteers, UN Youth Volunteers and UN Online Volunteers.

Read entire Annual Report online here: https://issuu.com/unvolunteers/docs/unv-ra2013-web


Download PDFs:

Financial and statistical annex for 2013 (PDF)
Partnering with UNV centrefold
UNV Full Funding Report 2013
UNV Special Voluntary Fund Multi-Year Report 2009-2013