Lima, Peru: I first became interested in HIV issues a number of years ago when I learned that close friends had acquired the virus. At that time, I was in Peru working on rights, citizen participation and health issues. Soon after, I left for the Netherlands to study. My Master’s dissertation, which focused on citizen participation of people living with HIV, brought all of these issues together.
20 November 2011
Latin America and the Caribbean
Success stories
Join volunteers, with Won Smol Bag, fighting the spread of HIV/AIDS in Vanuatu, 'the happiest country in the world'. The spread of HIV seems to have stabilized in most regions, says the latest UN MDG report, but many young people still lack the knowledge needed to protect themselves. Volunteers are vital to any health campaign. This a story about how volunteers in Vanuatu are helping to stem the spread of HIV there. Volunteers have beeen engaged in promoting the use of condoms, raising awareness on STDs and providing outreach for communities.
03 February 2011