How does volunteering make a difference? These days, we are trying to do development differently: to partner with less usual suspects for outside insights, and tap into local energy and initiatives. The ethos of volunteerism is exactly the same – it is not a supplement to the work we do; it is a natural component within it. And with whom do we partner up to do this? The answer, of course, is young people. They are the natural choice.
16 October 2014
The second “Volunteer Talk – UNV Knowledge Sharing Webinar” was organized on 7 July 2014, with the theme “Gathering evidence on the impact of volunteering". The webinar featured experiences from the field in carrying out research studies on volunteering. Presentations by the guest speakers – Natal Donnaloia and Mohammed Husni from Sri Lanka, and Laura Amadori from Guinea Bissau – were followed by vivid interactions with the nearly 70 webinar participants. Video edited by: UN Online Volunteer Amy Ozeri
01 August 2014
The first "Volunteer Talk -- UNV Knowledge Sharing Webinar" was organized on 21 May 2014 with the theme "Creating opportunities for volunteering". The webinar featured experiences in establishing Liberia's National Youth Volunteering Service (NYVS) and the Viet Nam Volunteer Information and Resource Centre (VVIRC). The guest speakers from Liberia were Eric Opoku, UNV Programme Officer and Isaac Bropheh, NYVS Programme Coordinator. The speakers from Viet Nam were Tran Thi Kim Chung, UNV Programme Assistant, Do Thi Kim Hoa, VVIRC Deputy Director and Do Thi Phuc, SJ Viet Nam Director.
01 July 2014