SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
The paper looks deeper at unpaid care and volunteering—classifying them as significant for societal well-being and economic development. While these activities are essential civic duties that support communities and individuals in need, they often go unrecognized. The perspective that only paid activities qualify as work stems from a widespread misconception and obscures the vital contributions volunteering makes to our communities.
15 January 2025
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
This partnership aims to build on the progress and achievements made during the previous UNV and ILO partnership from 2017-2022, particularly the development of survey tools for the statistical measurement of volunteer work .
18 April 2024
SDG 10: Reduced inequalities, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Events are being organized around the world to promote volunteering, to award the most dedicated volunteers and to inspire people to act for a better future.
05 December 2019
Success stories
Meeting the ambitions of the 2030 Agenda requires the efforts of all of society. Everywhere, every day, ordinary people are acting on the issues that they care about. Over one billion active volunteers are carrying out a wide range of roles, from providing care and support to neighbours, extending basic services to under-served areas, campaigning for policy change, or building new relationships across polarized communities.
04 December 2019
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
These are some of the findings from a review conducted by International Labour Organisation (ILO) of national practices on the measurement of volunteer work, presented at the 20th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) in Geneva.  The research was undertaken as part of a UNV-ILO partnership on volunteer measurement which was established in 2017.
30 October 2018
Success stories
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Tshepiso steps back and admires his handiwork. As part of his contribution to Mandela Day, he has painted the interior walls of a corrugated iron shack that serves as a crèche for young children in an informal settlement in Johannesburg. In the spirit of ubuntu, he regularly ferries his elderly parents, aunts and uncles to hospital or assists them with shopping. Just last weekend he repaired a broken kitchen cabinet door for his neighbour, Mrs Potts.
26 July 2018
East and Southern Africa
Success stories
Volunteering is difficult to define and measure in a way that is comparable across borders or cultures. When volunteering has been measured, the focus has largely been on organization-based volunteering, rather than volunteering performed spontaneously and directly between people. Many stakeholders fail to recognize the importance of measuring volunteering, especially irregular volunteering, mainly due to the cost and the diffi­culties of getting a representative sample.
17 July 2018
Success stories
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
The ILO Department of Statistics and the UN Volunteers have joined forces to scale up efforts to improve the global availability, quality and use of statistics on volunteer work. Starting this month, the ILO-UNV partnership will focus on assessing the current status of volunteer work statistics around the world; engage directly with countries to identify good practices and challenges in volunteer work data collection and analysis; and develop practical survey approaches and tools to support countries’ efforts.
02 November 2017
Success stories