SDG 5: Gender equality
I am a student at the Kwansei Gakuin University in Hyogo in International Relations. I was always curious about digital information and how technology affects people's lives. I believe as young people we are evolving with new technologies. Gender gap exists. Very few women are given the opportunity to explore their talent. We must bring everyone into the fold of fold, men and women to create solutions and come up with innovations.
20 December 2023
East and Southern Africa
Success stories
Dushanbe, Tajikistan: I was sent to Tajikistan as a UN Youth Volunteer Communication Officer with the UN Resident Coordinator's (UNRC) office. The UNRC office is in charge of leading the reform process of operational activities. Within this reform falls the effort to consolidate the communication work of all UN agencies. For this purpose, the UN Communication Group (UNCG) was created for all those who are in charge of communications at one of the country’s 21 UN agencies to meet regularly.
20 January 2014
Europe and the CIS
Success stories
Tashkent, Uzbekistan:  It was a great honour for me, as the national IYV+10 Coordinator in Uzbekistan, to directly participate in the celebration of the birth of the United Nations. We enjoyed a gorgeous autumn day in Tashkent on Monday 24 October, still blessed with vitamin D from the sun.
24 November 2011
Europe and the CIS
Success stories