SDG 10: Reduced inequalities, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
As a UN Youth Volunteer with a disability, Kasunjith provided a unique and personal input to the discussions related to inclusion and played a key role in advocating for needs specific to the disabled community. If not us then who? ‘Inclusion’ cannot be fostered without the participation of people with disabilities. It is very important that the disabled community is not left behind in the recognition of Sustainable Development Goals. --Kasunjith Satanarachchi Devesurenda, during the 2019 ECOSOC Youth Forum
15 April 2019
SDG 1: No poverty, SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation, SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG 10: Reduced inequalities, SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
The Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) and the National Service Scheme (NSS) are among the world’s largest youth volunteering schemes. They aim to help young people to reach their full social, economic and human potential, while instilling a strong sense of civic engagement facilitating greater youth participation in achieving sustainable development goals collaborated with Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India.
28 January 2019
Asia and the Pacific
Success stories
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
The 4th Chinese Youth Volunteer Service Project Competition and Volunteer Service Exchange Expo in 2018 was successfully held during 1-2 December in Sichuan province of China, marking International Volunteer Day under the theme 'Youth Volunteerism for the New Era'. The hosting organizations of this volunteer event included the China Central Youth League (CYL), Central Civilization Office, and Ministry of Civil Affairs, the People’s Government of Sichuan Province and a total of 11 ministerial and provincial governmental entities.
07 January 2019
Asia and the Pacific
Success stories
SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 10: Reduced inequalities, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
UN Youth Volunteer Nour Hamayel is 26-years-old and has just completed a two-year assignment with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in her home country, the State of Palestine. As national UN Youth Volunteer, Nour’s primarily role was Y-PEER coordinator – facilitating conversations and activities in the State of Palestine on sexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention on behalf of the UNFPA-funded Youth Peer Education Network.
19 December 2018
Arab States
Success stories
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
The signatures under the agreement were delivered by Mr. Zhang Zhaohui, Secretary-General of the China Youth Volunteers Association and Ms. Shalina Miah, Regional Manager for UNV in Asia and the Pacific.
31 October 2018
SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Young people are a driving force for peace and development. Their energy and creativity are key in building a better future, and they are often the first to come up with innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing issues. Yet millions of young women and men are affected by conflict, violence and deprivation, and are unable to fulfil their potential. The world’s youth need safe spaces where they can participate, express their views and exercise their rights.
10 August 2018
SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG 10: Reduced inequalities
Volunteering is an essential tool for strengthening national capacities, promoting the implementation of development actions and the social inclusion of youth. In this regard, the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme helps Member States to create an enabling environment for the promotion of volunteerism and the development of volunteer infrastructures.
10 August 2018
West and Central Africa
Success stories
SDG 4: Quality education, SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG 10: Reduced inequalities
To respond to these challenges, UNV's adoption and implementation of youth initiatives, including providing young people with the opportunity to contribute to peace and development through UN Youth Volunteer assignment, has been successful in many parts of the world, such as in West and Central Africa. In this region, UNV continues its efforts to provide more young people with opportunities to advance peace and development and build their capacity through volunteering. 
10 August 2018
West and Central Africa
Success stories
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
The KGU Programme enables youth to gain exposure to, and make an impact on, peace and sustainable development by working with UN partners and within communities in the field. These opportunities allow the university students to acquire enriching professional experience in international development and peace, helping them shape their future careers.
10 August 2018
Asia and the Pacific
Success stories
SDG 1: No poverty, SDG 13: Climate change, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
What inspired you to write this book?
10 August 2018
East and Southern Africa
Success stories