The “Arab Youth Volunteering for a Better Future” project announces its first Youth Volunteering Award for young volunteers from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen, with inspiring stories to share about the importance of volunteering in development. UNV, 2014

Calling for youth volunteer stories in the Arab region

UNV's “Arab Youth Volunteering for a Better Future” project announces its first Youth Volunteering Award to recognize the importance of volunteering for development. The award will go to young volunteers from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen who have inspiring and life-changing stories to share.

The “Arab Youth Volunteering for a Better Future” project is happy to announce its first Youth Volunteering Award. We are looking for inspiring and life-changing stories of young volunteers from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen, to recognize the importance of volunteering for development.

If you:
- Are 18 to 29 years old;
- Are from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia or Yemen;
- Have a demonstrated track record in volunteering for development, with a story to tell that will make an impact.

Then we want you to share your story with us!

We are happy to receive stories, either in writing or a video format, before the end of June. 

In order to participate, please see the links below for more information on the Rules & Regulations, Deadline, and Guidelines & Application for each country.

We look forward to receiving your inspiring stories. Good luck!

Egypt (Arabic)

Egypt (English)

Morocco (French)

Tunisia (French)

Yemen (English)

Yemen (Arabic)

About Arab Youth Volunteering for a Better Future

The Arab Youth Volunteering for a Better Future project is an initiative led by the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme, in line with regional strategies of the United Nations (UN) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The project supports the UN Secretary General’s Five Year Action Agenda, in which he highlights the importance of working with and for young people as a priority.

This regional initiative harnesses the power and energy of youth through volunteerism, drawing on the inherent core values of self-help, solidarity and social cohesion. The project seeks to strengthen the infrastructure necessary to build the skills and capacities of youth in the region, and enhance their social inclusion and active participation in the development of their countries. The project is currently implemented in: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen.

Cairo, Egypt