Julio Botendi (DRC), a UNV Electoral Advisor, is preparing educational material for the elections to be distributed in Segou and Mopti (central Mali) to NGOs and civilians in Mali. These awareness-raising kits mainly include brochures to explain to voters the way to perform their civic duty. (UNV, 2013)

Day 2 before the presidential elections in Mali: UN Volunteers prepare!

While the first round of elections in Mali will take place in Mali on Sunday 28 July, United Nations Volunteers have been working hard for several weeks already. Often working late into the night, they look to support the Malian authorities in the organisation of transparent, inclusive and credible presidential elections in Mali.

While the first round of elections in Mali will take place in Mali on Sunday 28 July, United Nations Volunteers have been working hard for several weeks already. Often working late into the night, they look to support the Malian authorities in the organisation of transparent, inclusive and credible presidential elections in Mali.

A total of 21 UN Volunteers have been mobilised under the Support to Mali's Electoral Process Project (PAPEM) implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

It is 11:00 p.m. at the PAPEM headquarters in Bamako. Julio Botendi (DRC), a UNV Electoral Advisor, is preparing educational material for the elections to be distributed in Segou and Mopti (central Mali) to NGOs and civilians in Mali. These awareness-raising kits mainly include brochures to explain to voters the way to perform their civic duty.

Julio is in his third assignment as a UN Volunteer and previously worked in Côte d'Ivoire and Sudan, where he supported the organisation of the Ivorian elections and the referendum on the self-determination of South Sudan.

"As a volunteer, it gives me great pride to lend my support to a new electoral process. The exchange and enrichment are mutual. I bring my expertise in electoral issues to national partners and, reciprocally, I gain experience and am enriched culturally through my contact with them."

Bamako, Mali