Selling fresh vegetables produced by the group members in Oecussi. (2006)

Improving the livelihoods of vulnerable communities through water conservation technologies

“As a volunteer working directly with the people in the community, I managed to share my knowledge, skills and experiences of several years and was able to make a substantial difference in the food security and livelihoods of poor and disadvantaged people through enhanced food production, improved nutrition and increased income.”

Jitendra Prasad Jaiswal (Nepal) is a former UN Volunteer with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in Timor-Leste.  As a UNV Upland Agricultural Specialist with the Oecussi-Ambeno Community Activation Programme (OCAP), he formulated strategies for agricultural development, assisted in developing and implementing overall livelihoods development activities, provided technical advice and guidance to staff and upland farm families, and acted as liaison with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.  OCAP was supported by the European Commission and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with UNOPS as the executing agency.

Jitendra introduced a wide range of soil moisture and water conservation technologies including mulching, cultivation of cover crops, contour farming, water harvesting and storage in plastic ponds, and simplified low cost drip irrigation systems.  Interventions like this improved the food security and livelihoods of the poor and most vulnerable communities in the Oecussi enclave of Timor-Leste who had suffered due to years of conflict.

“As a volunteer working directly with the people in the community, I managed to share my knowledge, skills and experiences of several years and was able to make a substantial difference in the food security and livelihoods of poor and disadvantaged people through enhanced food production, improved nutrition and increased income.”
-- Jitendra Prasad Jaiswal, former UN Volunteer

Currently a Livelihood Team Leader for UNDP Myanmar, Jitendra continues to work on activities related to crisis-sensitive sustainable livelihoods development and food security.

Bio: Jitendra Prasad Jaiswal is a former UN Volunteer who worked from 2005 to 2007 as a UNV Upland Agricultural Specialist with the Oecussi-Ambeno Community Activation Programme (OCAP) for UNOPS in Timor-Leste.  Before becoming a UN Volunteer, Jitendra had several years of work experience in poverty reduction and livelihoods improvement.  After leaving Timor-Leste, he worked as a Project Manager/Livelihood Development Specialist in post-Tsunami Aceh province with CCF/Child Fund Indonesia. He then joined UNDP Myanmar as an Early Recovery Field Manager in post cyclone Nargis project in Feb 2009 and has been continuing as a Livelihood Team Leader since Feb 2010.
