Networking session during the Forum-Café organized to mark International Youth Day in Kazakhstan.
Networking session during the Forum-Café organized to mark International Youth Day in Kazakhstan. (UNV, 2017)

Youth for sustainable development and energy-efficient lifestyles

The Forum-Café “Youth for Sustainable Development and Energy Efficient Lifestyle in Kazakhstan and Central Asia to Build Peace Globally” was held on 11 August in Astana under the facilitation of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme to mark International Youth Day.  

More than 130 young people, representatives of youth-led organizations and youth activists took part in the event. The Forum-Café drew attention to youth contributions to peace and development globally, and strengthened cooperation between youth and the representatives of the Government, educational institutions, civil society, and international organizations.

During the forum, the participants discussed the role of youth in promoting energy-efficient lifestyles, advocating for sustainable development and securing equal access to resources for peace and stability.

The UN in Kazakhstan is delighted to congratulate young people on International Youth Day! We appreciate the energy of youth and encourage their active engagement in building peace and sustainable development – in a world that leaves no one behind” -- Norimasa Shimomura, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Kazakhstan

The Forum-Café included several group discussions and dialogue between youth activists and managers of the participating UN Agencies (UNDP, UNHCR, UN Women, UNICEF, UNIDO, UNFPA and UNV). 

“Young people are a unique human resource for a peaceful, secure and sustainable future. International Youth Day is therefore another opportunity to express recognition, support and solidarity with millions of young volunteers who contribute to peace, equality and prosperity worldwide,” said Dmitry Frischin, UNV’s Coordinator in Central Asia.

At the end of the forum, the Astana Youth Declaration 2017 was drafted with recommendations from youth representatives on how to increase the participation of young people in sustainable development, how to achieve social inclusion and how to ensure energy-efficient processes for peace both locally and globally.