Promoting human security through sustainable resettlement

The UN Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS) finances activities carried out by UN organizations to provide sustainable benefits to vulnerable people and communities and through this, demonstrates the added value of the human security approach. Meet three UN Volunteers – Justin, Gideon and Namakau – who promote human security through sustainable resettlements in Zambia.

There are over 73,000 persons of concern in Zambia, including refugees, asylum seekers and former refugees, many of whom have been living in the country since the 1950s.

Mainstreaming disability inclusion to promote employment and inclusive workspaces

Nichakarn Kaveevorayan is serving as a UN Volunteer Programme Officer with the UN Development Programme (UNDP) in Thailand. She shares her inspiration: "I believed that serving as a UN Volunteer with my disability would help me expand my knowledge of national and international legislation and good practice on inclusive development," she explains. "At the same time, I felt that working with the UN would enable me to reach a lot of people with different disabilities and gain a deeper understanding of their issues. On both fronts, I have not been disappointed." 

Nichakarn joined the UNDP-UNV Talent Programme for Young Professionals with Disabilities in October 2020. As a person with a visual impairment, she encountered numerous challenges, such as a non-inclusive system, attitudinal barriers and inaccessible learning materials.

Strengthening gender equality through climate change action

Asia and the Pacific region is particularly vulnerable to physical impacts of climate change. Associated with pre-existing gender inequality, climate-related risks are multiplied for women, girls, and people with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) in the region. 

Bobae Lee is a Regional Gender and Climate Change Expert serving with UN Women Asia and the Pacific Regional Office. Her assignment is fully funded by the Government of Korea. 

From Spain to Morocco: fighting for a more just world for asylum seekers

Luis Moreno Cabrales (Spain) is a UN Volunteer Associate Refugee Status Determination Officer serving with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Rabat, Morocco. As a social worker, Luis has been dedicated to refugees throughout almost all of his professional life, not only in Spain for the National Reception System for applicants and beneficiaries of international protection, but also abroad. His assignment is fully funded by the Government of Spain. 

My role on a day-to-day basis consists of helping asylum seekers to substantiate their applications. This comprises interviewing asylum seekers in Morocco to find out why they request international protection and, based on their statements, evaluating their case to make a recommendation on whether their application should be accepted.